Words on Writing


Just the word—said aloud or printed on a page—is enough to make my heart skip a beat. I can recall being in school and seeing the rows and rows of books in the classroom and even more in the library, and all I wanted to do was sit down and read every volume.

In a mall, it’s the bookstore that stands out for me. At a flea market, a cardboard box full of old, used volumes will always turn my head. Visiting a friend’s house, I am compelled to browse the bookshelves.

Drawn to books, then to writing, publishing, and eventually to bookselling, I find it impossible to diverge my path from books!

Glorious books!

It’s not surprising then that aside from being drawn to books, I am drawn to book people. Other booksellers, avid readers, bloggers, scholars—people who, like me, cannot keep their opinions of the books they read to themselves.

This is what has led me to this blog.

I intend to share my thoughts on my favorite books, the new books I discover, the classics I’ve cherished, and so much more.

I’ll post writing tips, news and information from the world of publishing, details of literary events, and more.

Thank you for joining me. Feel free to comment, to make requests, and to participate as we share this journey.
