September is All About the Books by Theresa Gauthier

 For many of us, when we think of September we recall back-to-school sales, backpacks, highlighters, tackling new reading lists, being exposed to new subjects or diving deeper into histories we’ve learned a bit about before. What most of us don’t know is that September is full of literary dates that should be celebrated. 

First of all, it’s Be Kind to Editors and Writers Month! Who knew? This is brilliant! I challenge you to do exactly this. If you read a book, give it a great review and multiple stars this month. Follow your favorite author on social media. Give your favorite author a 5 star review on as many sites as you can find. Comment on your favorite author’s blog or Goodreads page telling him/her/them how much you love their last book.

That’s not all!

September is also Library Card Sign Up month, and National Literacy month. If you don’t already have a library card, consider getting one. It’s a great way to read without spending a fortune, and libraries offer so much more that just a place to get books. Most have community programs, special events, and visiting authors. I’m sure some events must promote literacy in September, so you’ll be able to help promote reading as a fundamental right, need, and pass time. 

September also shares an honor with December as Read a Book month. If you already read regularly, you may know about this. If you don’t, consider September as the time to start. Pick up a book. Read to a kid in your life and share that September is Read a Book month. That kid will grow up remembering that and celebrating books.

September 4th is Newspaper Carrier Day—remember the people who deliver your daily or weekly newspaper.

September 6th is Read a Book Day—yes, it seems redundant to have Read a Book Day in Read a Book Month, but I’m not complaining. I feel like this is double points! 

September 7th is a day I can really get behind. Buy a Book Day! It’s a day to buy books—of course, I think every day is a day to buy books, but I’m more than happy to have an official reason to go to the Bookstore. That’s what this should be. Go to the bookstore. Don’t buy online.

September 8th is International Literacy day. International. So all over the world, we’re celebrating the right and ability to read. Find a way to keep people aware of this. Donate books to people who might not have access. Buy a gift card at a bookstore and give it to a random person. Buy your favorite book and give it as a gift to someone who hasn’t read it.

September 18th is Read an E-Book day. I tend to prefer print books, but reading is reading, so go for it.

September 22nd is a bit more niche—it’s Hobbit Day! Read The Hobbit or the Lord of the Rings, or any of the Tolkien books relating to that brilliant world.

The best week is September 22nd through 28th—Banned Books Week. Read something someone else thinks you shouldn’t and ask yourself what they’re afraid of!

September 24th is National Punctuation Day. To be honest, I’m not at all sure how we go about celebrating this. Maybe we use punctuation wrong to illustrate how much we need it. Maybe we get meticulous about it and make sure everything is perfectly punctuated. I’ve no idea.

September 25th is National Comic Book Day. Some people think this isn’t real reading. That’s absurd. Comic books and graphic novels are absolutely reading. There are a lot of amazing stories out there told in this format. 

I love these. I’m sure there are more like them around the world and all through the calendar, so find them and spread the word!
